My Services

Tantric Massage

An incredibly replenishing experience of me caressing your full body with long, sensual strokes over every inch of you. My
Tantric Massage is a beautiful way for you to weave
relaxation and pleasure into your week, and to
introduce yourself to the magick of my touch.

60 mins | $350

90 mins | $500

Tantric Healing Ceremony

A personalized sensual healing ceremony. Tell me what your desires and intentions are, and I’ll set the scene for us… Or take me out for dinner or lunch as your Tantric Companion.

90 mins | $640

120 mins | $800

Tantric Promises

Let the exhilarating feel of mutual exploration help us sink deeper into our connection after your tantric massage.

In this session, you have the freedom to give and receive. You can surrender to the sensation of my hands and lips as they roam all over and worship your body, and you can explore the way my body moves and dances to sync with yours.

60 mins | $700

90 mins | $850

Beyond Lovers

The ultimate session, where we can indulge in the full range of pleasures. Eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, sacral-to-sacral.

90 mins | $1200

120 mins | $1500

180 mins | $1800

240 mins | $2100

Evening Star

Our own little party, and a sweet morning together. Take me out and treat me to the activities of your choice or have a romantic evening inside with the adult festivities we curate together.

14 hours | $5000

For Couples

For couples that want to celebrate their revolutionary romance and explore new realms of pleasure: An initiation into sex magick with me as your guide, curating an intoxicating, unforgettable sensual experience for you and your partner.

Add +400 for any service

90 minute minimum

The Romantic Escape

A romantic escape from everyday life. An entire day for us to do anything we please.

24 hours | $6000

The Romantic Retreat

Take me away with you. A traveling companion, a full romance, an enchantress and an engaging conversationalist to go with you anywhere, to any dinner party. A beautiful time full of sweet love.

3 Days | $14000